Dreaming of beautiful and sustainable gardens?
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Broadcasts, Films & publications
I share and spread my gardening knowledge as well as some interesting tales of garden travels by blogging, vlogging and podcasting. I often write for lifestyle publications and host lectures on the subject of sustainable gardening.
Most of the time I show and explain how things work in either of my organic gardens – one is my home garden at TOADPOOL FARM in Derbyshire and one is my Organic Show Garden OGRÓD BELLINGHAM in Zgorzałe, Poland. I spend my time here and there which can be quite taxing but is a great experience and I love it.
My most important subjects are organic, sustainable gardening including topics like: soil food web, no-dig gardening, wilding, high impact – low carbon. Every Monday at 7pm I stream LIVE from FB Naturalnie o Ogrodach fun page.